Student Solution


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1 University

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Unit 14 Discussion

Unit 14 Discussion

Q Chapter 11 of your text describes the significant changes that characterized women’s experience in the 1960s and early 70s. Based upon your text reading of this era, choose one of these changes and explain how it has impacted your own life experience. Challenge yourselves on this one! Everyone should be able to come up with a new and significant change. Engage with at least two other students. To view the rubric for this discussion, please click on the icon with the three little dots at the top right of this window. This rubric will be used to score your submissions; please look for my comments and feedback using the rubric scoring feature after Wednesdays of the following week. Initial response due Friday by 11:59pm. Peer responses due Sunday by 11:59pm.

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Based on the reading during the time of 1960s and 70s that one of these changed and impacted my own experiences, is that living in an Hispanic household, daughters were taught how to cook and clean at a young age by their mothers. The term "Machismo" is how men in the household have a sense of pride and is believed to be the dominant gender. Women on the other hand wanted to be more than a lovely wife that does what her husband says. I feel that we as women should have equality because we work at the same pace and are treated nicely like men.